OpenBook Scanning and Reading Software 9.0

Price: $995.00
Shipping: $35.00

OpenBook converts printed documents or graphic-based text into an electronic text format on your PC, using quality speech and the latest optical character recognition (OCR) technology. Easy switching between the Nuance OmniPage and ABBYY FineReader OCR engines allows you to choose the OCR engine that works best for your particular use. You also can choose between two leading text-to-speech software synthesizers: RealSpeakā„¢ Solo (natural, human-sounding voices) or Eloquence (efficient synthesized speech that often is preferred for editing and document skimming).

Users can tailor the appearance of text on your screen (font style, size, character spacing, and color), view with split-screen and compare your original document and OCR conversion results, use Masking and Word Spotlighting to help you follow text as it is read, and more.